
Why Data Centers Aren’t as Green as You Think


Why Data Centers Aren’t as Green as You Think

Data centers have a reputation for being environmentally unfriendly. But this reality isn’t the only way forward. In fact, many data centers are implementing green practices that make them more sustainable and reduce their environmental impact. However, some data centers are still not as green as they should be. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at why data centers aren’t as green as you think and explore some of the best ways to make them more sustainable.

Data Center Cooling

When data centers are cooling their racks, many of them use outdated technology that is not as efficient as it could be. For example, data centers typically use a lot of variable-speed AC fans and other systems to cool their racks. However, these fans can use a lot of energy and generate a lot of noise.

Hot and Cold Aisles

Today, data centers utilize standard data center cooling methods of hot and cold aisle airflow management. By having these two types of aisles, the data center can regulate the temperature more efficiently. The hot aisle is where the servers give off heat, and air conditioners cool the cold aisle. When these two areas are not properly segregated, it can lead to inefficiencies in cooling.

Best practices for most data centers are outdated, like using cold aisle data center airflow containment. These practices can create a massive amount of energy waste and they are not sustainable practices for the future.

Data Centers and Sustainability

With data centers being more important than ever to our daily lives, it is crucial that they are as sustainable as possible. Data centers currently use 2% of the world’s electricity. This is likely to continue to grow as we become more reliant on the use of data centers. It is estimated that 30-50% of the energy data centers use goes towards cooling the racks. This means that by improving the cooling efficiency of data centers, we can make a significant dent in their overall energy consumption. One way to do this is through immersion cooling.

Immersion Cooling for Data Centers

Immersion cooling is a method of cooling electronic equipment using specially developed fluids. TMGcore has developed single-phase and 2-phase immersion cooling technology to help data centers make their systems more green and spend less on energy costs. TMGcore’s systems use dielectric fluids that are non-conductive and environmentally friendly. These fluids surround the servers and draw the heat away from them, providing more efficient cooling.

This technology can be used in a number of ways to make data centers even more sustainable. The future of immersion cooling is sustainable and could benefit local communities.

Immersion Cooling and Heat Re-Use

The future of data center best practices, when including single-phase and 2-phase immersion cooling, looks even more promising when we look at reusing the heat created. The heat could be used for several things like heating water at a corporate campus or creating a heating loop for a municipal district. TMGcore is committed to helping create more sustainable data centers and will continue to lead the way in this industry.

By using practices like immersion cooling, data centers can significantly reduce their environmental impact while also saving money.

Better Than Cool

TMGcore makes data centers better than cool; it makes them more green and sustainable. TMGcore’s single-phase and 2-phase liquid cooling technologies are the future of data center cooling and will help create a more sustainable world for us all. 

TMGcore has a long history of providing the most efficient cooling solutions for data centers worldwide. Our commitment to sustainability and efficiency means that you can trust us to provide you with the best possible solution for your data center needs.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sed mi massa. Aenean ut rhoncus lacus. Mauris lorem neque, porttitor at vulputate in, euismod vulputate ligula.

Maecenas lacinia sem diam, at consectetur magna pretium nec. Curabitur semper orci sit amet viverra ultricies.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sed mi massa. Aenean ut rhoncus lacus. Mauris lorem neque, porttitor at vulputate in, euismod vulputate ligula. Curabitur at velit sagittis, vehicula erat vel, condimentum elit. Maecenas consequat urna ut neque blandit vestibulum. Duis lacus arcu, euismod in vulputate in, blandit quis dolor. Cras sit amet turpis sed ex iaculis volutpat. Donec posuere posuere tortor, eget consectetur eros suscipit sit amet.

Sed a magna ac purus ornare porta. Maecenas ut facilisis risus, et volutpat felis. Nullam quis tempor purus. Praesent ornare posuere elementum. Mauris quis ex ante. Phasellus libero lorem, malesuada quis suscipit ac, aliquam sit amet arcu. Donec lacinia dui enim, vitae scelerisque nunc vestibulum vel. Fusce imperdiet elementum neque sed molestie. Donec ut feugiat orci. Etiam lacus nulla, blandit eget odio eget, consectetur finibus ligula. Sed quis orci consectetur, auctor leo vel, iaculis velit. Pellentesque vitae nisi lectus.

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5 Myths About Liquid Immersion Cooling: Debunked!


5 Myths About Liquid Immersion Cooling: Debunked!

Liquid immersion cooling systems are growing in popularity among data centers and other large-scale operations. But there are still a lot of myths floating around about them. This blog post will debunk five of the most common liquid immersion cooling systems myths. We’ll also give you some information about TMGCore, one of the world’s leading liquid immersion cooling system providers.

What is Liquid Immersion Cooling?

Before debuting the myths surrounding liquid immersion cooling systems, it’s important to understand what they are and how they work. Liquid immersion cooling systems use a non-conductive liquid to cool electronic equipment, like mineral oil or dielectric fluid. The liquid is usually stored in a tank or other containment system. The electronic equipment is then made immersion ready through TMGcore’s immersion-ready process and then submerged in the liquid, where it is cooled through heat exchange systems.

One of the benefits of liquid immersion cooling systems is that they can be more efficient than air cooling systems. The liquid in liquid immersion cooling systems can be recycled and reused, which reduces water usage. And because the liquid is non-conductive, it eliminates the risks seen with other systems.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of liquid immersion cooling systems let’s look at some of their myths.

Myth #1: Immersion Cooling Solutions Are Expensive

One of the top myths of the immersion cooling world is that implementing an immersion cooling system will be more expensive than other systems. But in reality, liquid immersion cooling systems can be more cost-effective than other cooling solutions. TMGcore’s liquid immersion cooling systems are energy-efficient, using less power and water than other cooling methods.

Liquid immersion cooling systems are also easier to maintain than other cooling systems. Some of TMGcore’s two-phase liquid immersion cooling systems use a closed-loop design that doesn’t require external water or chemicals. This means that there are fewer opportunities for leaks and contamination.

Myth #2: Liquid Immersion Cooling is Only for Large Data Centers

Another common myth about liquid immersion cooling is that only large data centers can benefit from liquid immersion’s cost, space, and energy savings.

But in reality, liquid immersion cooling can be used in various settings – not just in data centers. TMGcore has a wide range of liquid immersion cooling solutions that can be tailored to fit the needs of any operation. Whether at the edge, in the data center, or as part of a cloud/on-premise hybrid solution, our liquid immersion cooling solutions can solve every problem.

Myth #3: Liquid Immersion Causes an Electrocution Risk

If you’re familiar at all with liquid immersion, you know this myth is 100% false. While liquid and electricity may not mix, liquid immersion cooling systems are designed to be safe. TMGcore’s liquid immersion cooling systems use a dielectric fluid that is non-conductive and non-toxic. This means that there is no risk of electrocution when using TMGcore’s liquid immersion cooling systems.

Myth #4: All Liquid Immersion Cooling Systems are the Same 

The last myth on our list is that all liquid immersion cooling systems are the same. This couldn’t be further from the truth! TMGcore’s liquid immersion cooling systems are unique and are steps above the competition. But could you expect anything less from the Home of Immersion? 

When it comes to liquid immersion cooling, TMGcore is the best in the business. If you’re looking for a liquid immersion cooling system, look no further than TMGcore! Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about our liquid immersion cooling solutions.

Myth #5: Liquid Immersion Cooling Systems Need a Large Footprint

By now, you should know that the Home of Immersion, TMGCore, doesn’t do things the traditional way. Our liquid immersion cooling systems are designed to be compact and take up less space than other cooling solutions. So, if you’re worried about liquid immersion cooling taking up too much space, don’t be! TMGCore has you covered.

Now that you know the truth about liquid immersion cooling and the great benefits over other cooling systems, learn how to implement it in your business today. TMGCore offers a variety of solutions made to fit industries just like yours! TMGCore offers liquid immersion cooling solutions for all types of operations, from data centers to crypto mining.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sed mi massa. Aenean ut rhoncus lacus. Mauris lorem neque, porttitor at vulputate in, euismod vulputate ligula.

Maecenas lacinia sem diam, at consectetur magna pretium nec. Curabitur semper orci sit amet viverra ultricies.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sed mi massa. Aenean ut rhoncus lacus. Mauris lorem neque, porttitor at vulputate in, euismod vulputate ligula. Curabitur at velit sagittis, vehicula erat vel, condimentum elit. Maecenas consequat urna ut neque blandit vestibulum. Duis lacus arcu, euismod in vulputate in, blandit quis dolor. Cras sit amet turpis sed ex iaculis volutpat. Donec posuere posuere tortor, eget consectetur eros suscipit sit amet.

Sed a magna ac purus ornare porta. Maecenas ut facilisis risus, et volutpat felis. Nullam quis tempor purus. Praesent ornare posuere elementum. Mauris quis ex ante. Phasellus libero lorem, malesuada quis suscipit ac, aliquam sit amet arcu. Donec lacinia dui enim, vitae scelerisque nunc vestibulum vel. Fusce imperdiet elementum neque sed molestie. Donec ut feugiat orci. Etiam lacus nulla, blandit eget odio eget, consectetur finibus ligula. Sed quis orci consectetur, auctor leo vel, iaculis velit. Pellentesque vitae nisi lectus.


Stay Ahead of the Curve with the Latest Remote Management Infrastructure


Stay Ahead of the Curve with the Latest Remote Management Infrastructure

High-performance computing is at the heart of scientific, industrial, and societal growth. To keep up with the demands of a digital world, make new discoveries, and enhance the quality of life for billions of people across the globe, businesses must know that their data centers are operating at peak performance. Organizations require lightning-fast, dependable remote management infrastructures to process, store, and analyze huge amounts of data while having full transparency in the management of their data centers in a remote environment. To do this, they need to stay up to date on the latest technology in remote management infrastructure to pull ahead of the competition.

What is Remote Management Infrastructure?

Remote infrastructure management is the remote management of the infrastructure in information technology. This can include the management of data center hardware and software, like servers, network devices, and storage devices. It’s important to have an efficient, autonomous way to manage infrastructures remotely and securely to enable businesses to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible to meet the demands of a digital world.

Who Will Be Interested In TMGcore Remote Management Infrastructure?

While TMGcore’s remote management infrastructure solutions are perfect for data centers of all sizes, they’re especially well-suited for high-performance computing (HPC) environments. TMGcore OTTO Ready solutions are designed to provide customers with complete, holistic packages and offerings of purpose-driven OTTO platforms, components, and software spanning all industries. TMGcore HPC solutions are the fastest and most scalable on the market, making them perfect for businesses requiring the highest performance levels from their data centers. As organizations manage an ever-increasing fleet of devices and applications, remote management infrastructure tools are critical to operating a fast, secure, and efficient deployment and management strategy.

Ecosystem of Products

What’s unique about TMGcore’s ecosystem of products is that they are designed with business scalability in mind. The remote management infrastructure was specifically developed to be compatible with our host of products to provide a seamless, easy-to-use, autonomous solution for data center management. It’s a holistic suite of products that take up less space than traditional data storage devices while providing the best in high-performance computing capabilities at scale. 

OTTO Platform – industry-leading hardware that can handle ever-increasing amounts of data while addressing challenges such as uptime, environmental impact, and operating costs associated with building and operating large data centers. TMGcore developed the OTTO platform to solve space and power constraints plaguing the industry. With OTTO, users have the ability to deploy up to 15,000 cores in less than 80 square feet, offering businesses a scalable, quick-to-market, secure, and incredible energy-efficient solution while reducing operating costs, too. The OTTO 120 M provides the same degree of highly efficient, 2-phase liquid immersion cooling technology with a smaller footprint intended for applications outside the core.

Hydroblades – a preliminary set of hardware options designed to optimize the features and capabilities of the OTTO platform. OTTO ready blades are server, storage, or other hardware components designed to be cooled by the platform’s immersion cooling technology. End-users will install these products into suitable OTTO devices for monitoring and control using the remote management infrastructure platform OTTOmanager.

ComputeCore – one of the most efficient server deployment solutions on the market. Our single-phase liquid immersion computing tank was designed with efficiency and excellence, providing a more sustainable, quiet, and effective way to cool your computing. 

EdgeBox 30 & EdgeBox 4.5 – in collaboration with industry-leading server companies, TMGcore provides the best immersion-ready servers packaged in a 2-phase liquid immersion cooling solution to solve all of your high-performance computing needs.

Strategic Collaborators – TMGcore works with leading server companies, Dell and Intel, to provide premier immersion-ready servers as a solution to every HPC problem. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the game in the latest remote management infrastructure, TMGcore’s ecosystem of products is perfect for you. Our solutions are designed to provide you with the latest technology in data center remote management infrastructure and high-performance computing, so you can focus on running your business efficiently and effectively. Ready to optimize and scale your business with the latest in remote management infrastructure? Contact us today!

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sed mi massa. Aenean ut rhoncus lacus. Mauris lorem neque, porttitor at vulputate in, euismod vulputate ligula.

Maecenas lacinia sem diam, at consectetur magna pretium nec. Curabitur semper orci sit amet viverra ultricies.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sed mi massa. Aenean ut rhoncus lacus. Mauris lorem neque, porttitor at vulputate in, euismod vulputate ligula. Curabitur at velit sagittis, vehicula erat vel, condimentum elit. Maecenas consequat urna ut neque blandit vestibulum. Duis lacus arcu, euismod in vulputate in, blandit quis dolor. Cras sit amet turpis sed ex iaculis volutpat. Donec posuere posuere tortor, eget consectetur eros suscipit sit amet.

Sed a magna ac purus ornare porta. Maecenas ut facilisis risus, et volutpat felis. Nullam quis tempor purus. Praesent ornare posuere elementum. Mauris quis ex ante. Phasellus libero lorem, malesuada quis suscipit ac, aliquam sit amet arcu. Donec lacinia dui enim, vitae scelerisque nunc vestibulum vel. Fusce imperdiet elementum neque sed molestie. Donec ut feugiat orci. Etiam lacus nulla, blandit eget odio eget, consectetur finibus ligula. Sed quis orci consectetur, auctor leo vel, iaculis velit. Pellentesque vitae nisi lectus.